Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Story - Shepherds

While turning to Luke 2 to follow the sermon on Sunday my interest was perked as our pastor skipped the first few verses of the chapter. Luke 2 is the Christmas Story what was he thinking skipping past the part God played through the Holy Family.

I have heard the Christmas Story for as many holiday seasons as I can remember. I have always put emphasis on the Holy Family. My faith has had boosts as I fell in love with an obedient woman, a kind husband and a son's sacrifice on my behalf.

But he was going to talk about the shepherds. I remembered the shepherds, I have them pictured in my mind as sitting on the hillside watching their flock when an angel instructing them to visit the King of Kings lying in a manger nearby. Soon after a heavenly host, a thousand angels, came down praising "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." The shepherds were obedient, did see Jesus, did share the news to others and then went back to the stable and praised Him.

I think the sheer volume of all the angels has made me scan right over top of the shepherds.

Shepherds were nomads making sure their flocks had food and water. They lived with their flocks and didn't have much of a chance to go into towns for religous services. They were alone most of the time with dumb, smelly sheep. Homeless, loners, who were too busy to go to church, how amazing is the Lord to add in the part that reminds us we are all children of God and he loves us and sent His Son for us.

Thank you Lord, today I am grateful for the Shepherds and the rest of your Christmas Story. And to a pastor who is in tune to listen to the whole story.

1 comment:

  1. What a great post today, thanks! I'm grateful for your continuing prayers for our Joseph. It will be a wonderful story to tell one day as he acknowledges God's providential hand.
