Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Kids Health

Dropping the kids off for practice of their Christmas Program, they seemed energetic and ready to run through lines and sing all the songs they will perform in the upcoming week. I gladly took my turn in the nursery to snuggle babies during the sermon.

About a half an hour later Libby's teacher burst in saying Lib had fainted and they needed me. With a replacement on the way to help the other nursery workers I bolted out to check on my daughter. She was still on the ground and not all together with it. Libby's teacher brought her some juice and as she drank it became more aware of her surroundings.

We left church early and went to the urgent care on our way home. The doctor gave a couple of things that could be wrong with Lib and that we would know more in the next few days. Well here we are two days later to say Lib has strep and other than having to miss school today things are back to normal.

I am so thankful that this Christmas Season God has given us our health. I know how blessed I am in that . Thank you, Lord.

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